How to Place Feng Shui Fortune Turtle

Feng Shui Fortune Turtle

In the modern world, the art of Feng Shui has gained immense popularity, especially when it comes to arranging home decorations. People seek various items and practices to attract wealth and prosperity into their lives. Among the many symbols and objects believed to bring good fortune, the Fortune Turtle, also known as the Money Turtle, stands out. This article explores the origins of the Fortune Turtle and provides insights into its placement within homes.

The Enigmatic Fortune Turtle:

The Fortune Turtle, also called the Pig-nosed Turtle or Fly River Turtle, belongs to the fascinating family of freshwater turtles. Its defining feature is the row of spiky protrusions along its central back shell. The light-colored plastron, often white, creamy white, or pale yellow, forms a cross-like pattern. Uniquely adapted to aquatic life, it possesses flippers resembling those of sea turtles. Its fleshy and elongated nose, resembling a pig’s snout, contributes to its colloquial name – the Fortune Turtle.

The Fortune Turtle has become a popular choice for enthusiasts seeking to combine pet ownership with auspicious energy. Its distinct appearance, resembling a pig’s nose, makes it endearing, and its simple care requirements contribute to its popularity. Moreover, it is believed to possess a special Feng Shui property – the ability to attract wealth and prosperity.

Can the Fortune Turtle Really Attract Wealth?

The Fortune Turtle is believed to have the power to accumulate wealth. Placing the Fortune Turtle in the auspicious wealth area of your home can potentially enhance your financial luck.

It’s important to note that there are two varieties of Fortune Turtles – various forms exist within these two categories. The female turtle is associated with wealth attraction, while the male turtle is thought to repel prosperity. The pairing of a male and a female turtle is believed to generate flourishing energy.

Feng Shui Placement of the Fortune Turtle:

  1. In the living room, position the Fortune Turtle facing the main entrance, with its head pointing towards the door. This arrangement is believed to help the turtle attract positive energy and wealth. Inside the bedroom, position the turtle with its head facing inward and its tail facing outward.
  2. If you have other deity statues or figurines in your living space, place the Fortune Turtle on the side of these objects. It’s recommended to position the turtle slightly away from the main focus to maintain the hierarchy of significance.
  3. In the living room, when placed to face the entrance, the head of the Fortune Turtle should point towards the door. This arrangement facilitates the intake of wealth energy into the home. Within the master bedroom, position the turtle with its head facing inward and tail outward, as the turtle’s head symbolizes blessings, while its back and tail carry protective properties.
  4. The placement of the Fortune Turtle varies based on the room and home layout. Typically, it is situated in well-lit and elevated areas, often in corners. This positioning ensures a multifaceted protective influence, both in areas of light and shadow. For different types of residences, such as apartments or single-story homes, the placement inside or outside the entrance may vary.


The Fortune Turtle, with its intriguing appearance and believed Feng Shui attributes, has captured the fascination of those seeking to enhance their wealth and well-being. Whether its powers are purely symbolic or truly energetic, there’s no denying that placing the Fortune Turtle within our living spaces adds a touch of mystique and positivity to our lives. As we navigate the modern world, the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui continues to remind us of the interconnectedness between our surroundings and our fortunes.

Silver Tongue

Silver Tongue