Can I Wear Black Tourmaline and Hematite Together?


Black tourmaline and hematite are two popular stones in the world of crystal healing. Both of these stones have their own unique properties and benefits, but can they be worn together? The short answer is yes, black tourmaline and hematite can be worn together. In fact, they can complement each other and enhance each other’s properties.

In this blog post, we will discuss the properties of black tourmaline and hematite, the benefits of wearing them separately, and how they work together. We will also provide tips on how to wear black tourmaline and hematite together and how to care for your jewelry.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a powerful grounding stone that is commonly used for protection against negative energies. It is also known as schorl and is found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, Africa, and North America.

Properties of Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a black or dark brown stone that is opaque and has a glassy or matte finish. It is a member of the tourmaline family and is known for its pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties. This means that it can generate an electrical charge when heated or under pressure.

Benefits of Wearing Black Tourmaline

There are many benefits to wearing black tourmaline, including:

  • Protection from negative energies: Black tourmaline is a powerful stone that can protect against negative energies, including electromagnetic radiation and psychic attacks.
  • Grounding and balancing: Black tourmaline can help to ground and balance the body, mind, and spirit.
  • Increased energy flow: Black tourmaline can help to increase energy flow throughout the body, which can improve overall well-being.
  • Stress relief: Black tourmaline can help to relieve stress and anxiety by promoting a sense of calm and peace.

How to Wear Black Tourmaline

There are several ways to wear black tourmaline, including:

  • Jewelry: Black tourmaline can be worn as a necklace, bracelet, or ring. This allows for constant contact with the stone throughout the day.
  • Pocket stone: Black tourmaline can be carried in a pocket or purse to provide protection and grounding throughout the day.
  • Room placement: Black tourmaline can be placed in a room to help protect against negative energies.


Hematite is another popular stone in the world of crystal healing. It is a metallic gray or black stone that is commonly used for grounding and protection. Hematite is found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, England, and the United States.

Properties of Hematite

Hematite is a metallic gray or black stone that is opaque and has a shiny finish. It is a form of iron oxide and is known for its magnetic properties.

Benefits of Wearing Hematite

There are many benefits to wearing hematite, including:

  • Grounding and balancing: Hematite can help to ground and balance the body, mind, and spirit.
  • Increased energy and vitality: Hematite can help to increase energy and vitality by improving circulation and oxygenation of the blood.
  • Protection from negative energies: Hematite can help to protect against negative energies, including electromagnetic radiation and psychic attacks.
  • Relief from pain and inflammation: Hematite can help to relieve pain and inflammation by improving blood flow to the affected area.

How to Wear Hematite

There are several ways to wear hematite, including:

  • Jewelry: Hematite can be worn as a necklace, bracelet, or ring. This allows for constant contact with the stone throughout the day.
  • Pocket stone: Hematite can be carried in a pocket or purse to provide grounding and protection throughout the day.
  • Room placement: Hematite can be placed in a room to help promote a sense of calm and balance.

Wearing Black Tourmaline and Hematite Together

Black tourmaline and hematite can be worn together to enhance each other’s properties. When worn together, black tourmaline and hematite can provide the following benefits:

  • Increased grounding and protection: Black tourmaline and hematite can provide increased grounding and protection against negative energies.
  • Enhanced energy flow: Black tourmaline and hematite can work together to enhance energy flow throughout the body, promoting overall well-being.
  • Increased vitality: Hematite’s ability to increase energy and vitality can be enhanced when worn with black tourmaline.
  • Increased calm and peace: Black tourmaline’s ability to promote calm and peace can be enhanced when worn with hematite.

How to Wear Black Tourmaline and Hematite Together

There are several ways to wear black tourmaline and hematite together, including:

  • Jewelry: Black tourmaline and hematite can be worn together as a necklace, bracelet, or ring. This allows for constant contact with the stones throughout the day.
  • Grids: Black tourmaline and hematite can be placed together in a crystal grid to enhance their properties and promote overall well-being.
  • Pocket stones: Black tourmaline and hematite can be carried together in a pocket or purse to provide increased grounding and protection throughout the day.

Caring for Your Black Tourmaline and Hematite Jewelry

To keep your black tourmaline and hematite jewelry in good condition, it is important to follow these tips:

  • Clean your jewelry regularly with a soft cloth to remove dirt and oil buildup.
  • Avoid exposing your jewelry to harsh chemicals, such as cleaning products and perfumes.
  • Store your jewelry in a cool, dry place to prevent damage.


Black tourmaline and hematite can be worn together to enhance each other’s properties and promote overall well-being. When worn together, black tourmaline and hematite can provide increased grounding and protection against negative energies, enhance energy flow throughout the body, increase vitality, and promote calm and peace. Whether you choose to wear them as jewelry or carry them in your pocket, black tourmaline and hematite are powerful tools for promoting overall well-being.

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