Best Crystals for Confidence: Boost Your Self-Esteem with These Gemstones


When it comes to boosting confidence and self-esteem, there are many different approaches one can take. Some people turn to therapy or self-help books, while others find solace in exercise or meditation. Another option that many people are unaware of is using crystals to promote feelings of confidence and self-worth.

Crystals have long been believed to have healing properties and are often used in crystal therapy, chakra balancing, and other holistic practices. While there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that crystals have any specific powers, many people find that incorporating crystals into their daily routine can have a positive impact on their mental and emotional well-being.

If you’re interested in using crystals to boost your confidence and self-esteem, here are a few gems to consider:


Citrine is a yellow-colored quartz crystal that is known for its ability to boost self-esteem and confidence. It is believed to help with self-expression and can be particularly useful for those who struggle with communication or public speaking.

To incorporate citrine into your daily routine, you can carry a small piece with you or place a larger piece in a prominent location in your home or workspace. You can also wear citrine jewelry, such as a pendant or ring, to keep the energy of the crystal close to you throughout the day.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye is a golden-brown crystal that is believed to increase focus and determination. Its grounding energy can help to calm the mind and promote feelings of stability, which can in turn boost confidence.

To use tiger’s eye for confidence-building, you can carry a small piece with you or place a larger piece in a location where you spend a lot of time. You can also wear tiger’s eye jewelry, such as a bracelet or earrings, to keep the energy of the crystal close to you.


Amethyst is a purple-colored quartz crystal that is known for its calming and soothing properties. It is believed to help reduce anxiety and stress, which can improve overall confidence.

To use amethyst for confidence-building, you can carry a small piece with you or place a larger piece in a location where you spend a lot of time. You can also wear amethyst jewelry, such as a necklace or earrings, to keep the energy of the crystal close to you.

Other Confidence-Boosting Crystals

In addition to citrine, tiger’s eye, and amethyst, there are many other crystals that may also be helpful for boosting confidence. Some examples include carnelian, jasper, and lapis lazuli. The best crystal for you will depend on your personal preferences and needs. It’s always a good idea to do your own research and experiment with different crystals to see which ones resonate with you.

how to use crystal Boost Your Self-Esteem

There are several ways to use crystals to boost your self-esteem and confidence:

  1. Carry a small crystal with you: Keeping a crystal in your pocket or bag can help to keep its energy close to you throughout the day. You can choose a crystal that resonates with your personal goals and intentions, such as citrine for self-esteem or tiger’s eye for determination.
  2. Place crystals in your home or workspace: Adding crystals to your living or working environment can create a positive and uplifting atmosphere. Choose crystals that match the energy you want to cultivate in your space, such as amethyst for calmness or jasper for stability.
  3. Wear crystal jewelry: Wearing crystal jewelry, such as a necklace, bracelet, or ring, can keep the energy of the crystal close to you throughout the day. Choose a piece that speaks to you and aligns with your intentions for boosting self-esteem and confidence.
  4. Meditate with crystals: Crystals can be a powerful tool for meditation and visualization. Hold a crystal in your hand or place it on your body during meditation to amplify your intentions and focus on building self-esteem and confidence.
  5. Use crystals in crystal therapy: Crystal therapy involves using crystals to facilitate healing and balance in the body. A crystal therapist can help you choose the right crystals for your specific goals and guide you in using them to boost self-esteem and confidence.

Remember that crystals are not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment, and it’s always important to seek help if you are struggling with low self-esteem or confidence. However, incorporating crystals into your self-care routine can be a helpful and enjoyable way to support your overall well-being.

In conclusion, using crystals to boost confidence and self-esteem is a simple and effective way to improve your mental and emotional well-being. Whether you choose to carry a crystal with you, wear it as jewelry, or place it in your home or workspace, incorporating crystals into your daily routine can be a powerful tool for improving your confidence and self-worth.

Silver Tongue

Silver Tongue