6 Wealth Attraction Feng Shui Ornaments for Your Office


Your office is not just a space where you work hard to achieve your goals, but it’s also a place where your financial success is closely tied. In Chinese culture, Feng Shui plays a significant role in determining the flow of energy and influencing various aspects of life, including wealth and prosperity.

Many individuals believe that certain Feng Shui ornaments can help attract wealth and fortune into their lives while enhancing their career prospects. In this blog post, we’ll delve into some popular Feng Shui wealth attraction ornaments that you might consider placing in your office.

The Dragon: Dragons hold immense significance in Feng Shui as they symbolize power, strength, and good fortune. Placing a dragon ornament in your office, especially on the east side of your workspace, is believed to counteract negative influences and enhance your career luck. The dragon is known for warding off obstacles and attracting positive energies, making it an ideal choice for those seeking advancement in their professional lives.It’s important to note that if you’re born under the Dog zodiac sign, it’s recommended to avoid placing dragon ornaments, as dragons and dogs are considered conflicting symbols.

The Money Toad (Jin Chan): The Money Toad, also known as the Jin Chan or Chan Chu, is a mythical creature associated with wealth and prosperity. This charming ornament is often depicted with a coin in its mouth, symbolizing its ability to attract money and abundance. Placing the Money Toad near your office entrance or on your desk, facing inward is believed to invite wealth and ensure it stays within your sphere.

The Pixiu (Pi Yao): Pixiu, also called Pi Yao, is a mystical creature with a lion’s body and a dragon’s head. It’s known for its ability to devour negative energies and protect against financial losses. The Pixiu is considered a potent guardian of wealth and is often placed in offices to attract good fortune and prevent misfortunes. Placing the Pixiu facing the entrance or on your desk can enhance its protective and wealth-attracting energies.

The Wealth Rat (Golden Rat): In Feng Shui, the rat is associated with prosperity and abundance due to its rapid reproduction rate. The Golden Rat ornament is often used to symbolize wealth multiplication and financial growth. Placing the Golden Rat on your desk or in the wealth corner of your office can signify the accumulation of wealth and success in your endeavors.

The God of Wealth: The God of Wealth, also known as Caishen, is a popular deity associated with financial success and prosperity. Displaying an image or statue of the God of Wealth in your office is believed to invite favorable financial opportunities and blessings. However, make sure to place the God of Wealth appropriately, based on whether it’s a “civil” (wén) or “military” (wǔ) representation, as they have distinct energies.

Money Plant (Lucky Bamboo or Pachira Aquatica): The Money Plant, often called Lucky Bamboo or Pachira Aquatica, is a common Feng Shui plant believed to bring luck and prosperity. Its lush green leaves and easy maintenance make it a popular choice for office spaces. Placing a Money Plant in your office can promote positive energy, growth, and financial stability.


While the effectiveness of Feng Shui practices may vary from person to person, many individuals find that incorporating these wealth attraction ornaments in their office spaces positively impacts their mindset, motivation, and overall environment. 

Whether you’re a firm believer in Feng Shui or simply seeking ways to enhance the aesthetics and energies of your workspace, these ornaments can serve as both decorative and symbolic elements that inspire you to strive for success and financial well-being.

Silver Tongue

Silver Tongue