How Often Should I Use Gua Sha in My Skincare Routine?

gua sha

Gua sha is an ancient Chinese skincare tool that has recently gained popularity in the Western beauty industry. It’s a simple technique that involves scraping a flat tool against the skin to promote blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Many people have integrated gua sha into their daily skincare routine to improve their skin’s appearance and overall health.

But how often should you use gua sha? Is it safe to use every day, or should you limit its use to once a week? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of gua sha, factors to consider when determining the frequency of use, and proper techniques to get the most out of this ancient beauty practice.

Understanding Gua Sha

Before we dive into how often to use gua sha, let’s take a closer look at what it is and how it works.

What is Gua Sha?

Gua sha is a technique that originated in traditional Chinese medicine. The word “gua” means to scrape, and “sha” refers to the redness that appears on the skin during the scraping process. Gua sha tools are typically made of materials like jade, rose quartz, or stainless steel and come in various shapes and sizes.

How Does Gua Sha Work?

Gua sha is believed to work by stimulating blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and the immune system. By applying pressure and gliding the gua sha tool across the skin, it can help break up fascia (connective tissue) and promote the flow of qi (energy) in the body.

Benefits of Using Gua Sha

The benefits of using gua sha are numerous, including:

  • Reduced inflammation and puffiness
  • Improved circulation
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Increased collagen production
  • Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Relaxed facial muscles

Now that we’ve covered the basics of gua sha let’s dive into how often you should use it in your skincare routine.

How Often Should You Use Gua Sha?

The frequency of gua sha use depends on several factors, including your skin type, age, skin concerns, and lifestyle. Let’s break down these factors and recommended frequency options.

Factors to Consider

Skin Type

If you have sensitive or acne-prone skin, you may want to limit the frequency of gua sha use. Using the tool too often can cause irritation and breakouts. However, if you have normal or oily skin, you can use gua sha more frequently without adverse effects.


As we age, our skin becomes thinner, making it more susceptible to bruising and injury. If you’re over 50, you may want to limit your use of gua sha to once or twice a week to avoid causing damage.

Skin Concerns

If you have specific skin concerns, such as rosacea or eczema, you should be cautious when using gua sha. It’s best to consult with a dermatologist or esthetician before incorporating gua sha into your skincare routine.


If you live in a polluted area or have a stressful lifestyle, you may benefit from using gua sha more frequently. Gua sha can help reduce the effects of environmental stressors and promote relaxation.

Recommended Frequency


If you have normal or oily skin and don’t have any specific skin concerns, you can use gua sha daily. Daily use can help maintain a healthy glow and reduce puffiness.

Every Other Day

If you have sensitive skin or are new to gua sha, you may want to start by using the tool every other day. This frequency will allow your skin to adjust to the technique and avoid irritation.

Once or Twice a Week

If you’re over 50 or have specific skin concerns, it’s best to limit your use of gua sha to once or twice a week. This frequency will allow your skin to benefit from the technique without causing damage.

It’s essential to note that using gua sha too frequently or too aggressively can cause bruising, redness, and broken capillaries. Always use a light to medium pressure when using gua sha and avoid using the tool on active breakouts or areas with broken skin.

How to Use Gua Sha Properly

Now that you understand how often to use gua sha let’s explore the proper technique to ensure you get the most out of this beauty practice.


Before using gua sha, ensure your skin is clean and dry. Apply a few drops of facial oil or serum to provide a smooth gliding surface for the tool. It’s essential to choose a facial oil that works with your skin type and concerns.


Hold the gua sha tool at a 45-degree angle and gently glide it across your face, starting from the center and moving outward. Use light to medium pressure and repeat each stroke three to five times. Avoid using the tool on active breakouts or areas with broken skin.

Here are some specific techniques for different parts of the face:

  • Forehead: Start at the center of the forehead and glide the tool outward towards the temples.
  • Cheeks: Start at the center of the face and glide the tool outward towards the ears.
  • Jawline: Start at the center of the chin and glide the tool along the jawline towards the ears.
  • Neck: Start at the base of the neck and glide the tool upward towards the jawline.


After using gua sha, apply a moisturizer or facial oil to provide hydration and nourishment to the skin. You can also apply a cold compress to reduce any redness or inflammation.

It’s essential to clean your gua sha tool after each use to avoid bacteria buildup. Cleanse the tool with soap and warm water or rubbing alcohol and store it in a dry, clean place.


Gua sha is a beneficial skincare technique that can help improve blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and collagen production. The frequency of use depends on several factors, including your skin type, age, skin concerns, and lifestyle. Daily use is suitable for normal or oily skin, every other day for sensitive skin or beginners, and once or twice a week for those over 50 or with specific skin concerns.

When using gua sha, it’s essential to use a light to medium pressure and avoid using the tool on active breakouts or areas with broken skin. Always clean your gua sha tool after each use and store it in a clean, dry place.

Incorporating gua sha into your skincare routine can provide many benefits and leave you with healthy, glowing skin. Try out this ancient beauty technique and see the results for yourself.

Silver Tongue

Silver Tongue