What is Yin deficiency? Causes and Symptoms

Yin deficiency

What is Yin deficiency?

Yin is the blood and body fluids (roughly equivalent to the material basis) that govern moisturizing and calming in our body.

Yin deficiency means that these substances are insufficient; while Yang is the exuberant, hot, active, and For the germinal and functional things, yang deficiency is the insufficiency of such substances.

People will have internal heat after yin deficiency, that is to say, people with yin deficiency will have more and more heat in their bodies. why?

Take the engine as an example, if there is lubricating oil in the running part of the engine, it will generate less heat when it is running; if it is not, it will generate a lot of heat when it is running. So,”Yin deficiency generates internal heat”.

What causes Yin deficiency?

1) Staying up late and eating too much spicy food will cause yin deficiency, because spicy food will hurt the yin. 2) Emotional problems, the body should be yin deficiency

Many TCM experts all agree that most of the physical problems of modern people are caused by emotional problems, and most diseases are actually mental diseases.

Depression will directly lead to liver Qi stagnation, which will turn into anger and damage the liver yin.Therefore, Consuming body fluid and blood; the more it is consumed, the more severe it is, and finally it becomes yin deficiency.

The liver belongs to wood, the spleen belongs to earth, and wood restrains earth. When people are depressed and the liver Qi stagnation, they will directly come to bully the spleen and stomach.

The spleen and stomach are restrained, which means that the function of the spleen and stomach is weakened. The spleen and stomach controls water and dampness. If a person’s spleen and stomach Qi is deficient and its functions are weakened,resulting in producing dampness in the body, and at the same time, the blood from nutrient metaplasia will be less, and if it is worse, it will cause blood deficiency again.

After Qi deficiency, the power of the body to promote blood circulation becomes weak, and blood stasis appears.

In short, a series of problems followed.

What are emotional problems?

people’s emotions such as joy, anger, worry, thinking, sadness, fear, and shock will be excessive, and liver Qi will be disturbed.

In a word, emotional problems will make people liver Qi  stagnation, which will affect the spleen and stomach, and damage the kidneys and lungs…

  • No matter what constitution you have, you must first adjust the spleen and stomach.

The body is a system . Simple problems are easy to solve, but there are few simple problems in the body. What should we do when these problems mix? Unraveling one by one, the core is to regulate the spleen and stomach. Some experts have studied 500,000 traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions in ancient and modern times, and found that the most used medicine is Poria,Why? Because Poria is to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen and stomach, the spleen and stomach are the foundation of body.

If you can’t control your desires, for example,eating too much prawns will hurt the spleen and stomach; when the spleen and stomach are injured, the blood source If there is a problem, the blood is deficient again;

After the blood is deficient, the spleen and stomach are injured, so the Qi is deficient again; then the water-dampness comes again, the phlegm comes again, and the phlegm-dampness appears.

The various bad states of the body are intertwined in this way. Only after the spleen and stomach are healed can other symptoms of the body have a chance to improve.

When the spleen and stomach Qi are sufficient, the blood can be nourished, the dampness is removed, the lung Qi is sufficient, and the kidney Qi is sufficient.

In this way, the body will be fully recovered. But why sometimes when we regulate the spleen and stomach for a long time, but still do not recover?

It’s because our emotions are always not controlling very well. Therefore, the key to regulating the body is the spleen and stomach, but the root of the regulation is emotions.

On the other hand, if you are emotionally stable and your heart is calm, even if you don’t regulate your spleen and stomach very much, your body will not have any major problems.

What are the symptoms of people with yin deficiency?

  1. Bad temper, or feel heat in all parts of the body

people with yin deficiency may feel heat in all parts of the body but this heat is not real, it is deficiency-heat.For example, the eyes will feel very dry, the nose will burn out, the mouth will be dry, and the hot things will become more and more annoying, and the instinct will want to drink cold things.

People with yin deficiency will also feel hot in the palms, hot in the feet, and feel irritable in the heart, which is called “five heart irritability” in Chinese medicine.

In addition, people with yin deficiency generally have a bad temper and are easily upset.

  • Cannot sleep well and have night sweats

People with yin deficiency usually have trouble sleeping and night sweats.

For example,they will sweat when sleeping at night; some people are sweating as soon as they sleep, and some people are sweating when they are about to wake up.

  • Dry stool, yellow urine, and sore waist and knees.

 People with yin deficiency tend to have dry stool and yellow urine. People with long-term yin deficiency will have weak waist and knees.

  • Faster pulse.

Generally speaking, if the pulse of an adult exceeds 90 beats per minute, it may be a yin deficiency . But it is not absolute. We need to observe it dynamically.

For example, if your pulse used to be 60 beats per minute, but now it is 80 beats per minute, it means that you already have signs of Yin deficiency.

If you used to have a pulse of 90 beats per minute and now it is 100, it means that you are more likely to have a yin deficiency.

In general, when the pulse exceeds 90 beats per minute, we have to seek a doctor help.

  • Children with yin deficiency will have very red lips and eye bag

Children will have very red lips and eye bags if the spleen yin is insufficient.

The lack of spleen yin indicates that the child has heat in the body, so the child’s tongue and lips are red.

The child’s eye bags are also big, why? The corresponding position of the spleen is the lower eyelid, the spleen yin insufficient, the child’s under-eye bags are often swollen and red. Children with yin deficiency have dry or unshaped stools, sweat nights, and not good to sleep.

In addition, children with yin deficiency have a particularly good appetite, but their stomachs swell as soon as they eat. This is because the stomach is strong and the spleen is weak.

  • Children with yin deficiency are restless, easy to catch colds, and their throats are swollen when they catch a cold.

The theory of spleen yin was founded by Miao Xiyong, a famous doctor in the Ming Dynasty. Too many children now eat a lot of delicious food every day, and as a result, they suffer from spleen-yin deficiency.

Children with insufficient spleen yin are often hyperactive, because they have too much heat in their bodies, so they cannot control themselves.

They easily catches a cold,and their throat becomes swollen. Why? Because the spleen is injured, the spleen is deficient; the food is stagnant in it, and the yin is deficient, so heat will be produced, and the heat will all go up and down.

Therefore, any child who has a swollen throat when he catches a cold can basically judge that he must eat too much meat.

How to do it?

Eat less meat, eat more vegetables. Many parents are always worried that their children are undernourished, but their children are actually overnourished. As long as the child eats more vegetables and less meat for more than half a year under reasonable nutritional conditions , the child’s yin deficiency will be improved.

7) Yin deficiency children have poor patience

Yin-deficiency may change a child’s temperament. Because children with Yin-deficiency are easy to be upset, they often have no patience to sit down, read books, or insist on doing one thing, so it is difficult to develop a good habit.

This change in temperament is the greatest danger to the child. Therefore, We have always emphasized that parents should pay attention to their children’s yin deficiency, but many parents have not realized the seriousness of the problem until now.

Silver Tongue

Silver Tongue